The most fuel-efficient business aircraft today varies depending on the size, range, and category of the aircraft.
HondaJet Elite II
- Fuel Efficiency: One of the most fuel-efficient in its class, the HondaJet Elite II burns about 160-180 gallons per hour.
- Category: Light Jet.
- Range: Approximately 1,547 nautical miles.
- Why Efficient: It uses GE Honda HF120 turbofan engines, which are designed to maximize fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.
Pilatus PC-24
- Fuel Efficiency: Around 160-200 gallons per hour.
- Category: Light-Midsize Jet.
- Range: 2,000 nautical miles.
- Why Efficient: Known for its Swiss engineering, this jet features efficient engine technology combined with aerodynamic design, making it one of the most efficient jets in the midsize category.
Gulfstream G280
- Fuel Efficiency: Approximately 210-230 gallons per hour.
- Category: Super Midsize Jet.
- Range: 3,600 nautical miles.
- Why Efficient: Uses Honeywell HTF7250G engines and an advanced aerodynamic wing design, contributing to its strong fuel efficiency for a jet of this range.
Embraer Praetor 500
- Fuel Efficiency: Around 215-230 gallons per hour.
- Category: Super Midsize Jet.
- Range: 3,340 nautical miles.
- Why Efficient: Incorporates advanced aerodynamics and fuel-efficient Honeywell HTF7500E engines.
Dassault Falcon 6X
- Fuel Efficiency: While it’s a larger jet, it still remains efficient for its class, with a fuel burn around 380-420 gallons per hour.
- Category: Large Jet.
- Range: 5,500 nautical miles.
- Why Efficient: Powered by Pratt & Whitney PW812D engines, the 6X features one of the most efficient fuel burn rates for its long-range category.
These aircraft use advanced aerodynamic designs and engine technologies to maximize fuel economy while delivering the performance that business travelers require.
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